This weekend, after ten banner years The Thrilling Adventure Hour said its goodbye to their home stage in Los Angeles. However, fear not fans, the show is immediately going on a farewell tour.

In order to go out in the highest of styles, I insisted that I provide Paget Brewster with her final Sadie Doyle gown. This gown had to be more than special. It had to be insanity inducing, punch everyone you know in the face SPECIAL! To achieve this I hand beaded, hand sequinned and hand sewed rhinestones for over a month! What other choice did I have?

The simple and clean silhouette of the gown is in sharp contrast to the heavily embellished skeleton motifs placed across the dress. These glamorously undead creatures make a deliciously direct reference to the Doyle's misadventures with the supernatural. 

One of the best things about these skeletons is that they were custom drawn for this project and generously provided by the astoundingly talented Tom Fowler. True Believers may recognize that name since Tom illustrated the Beyond Belief portion of the graphic novel as well as painting the book's cover art. 

Paget looked phenomenal. This gown far exceeded my expectations and it couldn't have been worn by a more wonderful person! 

Show photos by Liezl Estipona.

Though I am saddened by the end of such a creative show, I look forward to what The Workjuice Corporation has planned for the future.
